George Bizos Saheti Scholarship & Bursary Fund

“He who partakes in Hellenic learning is an Hellene” –  Isocrates

“Our doors should be open to secondary school learners of excellence who would otherwise be unable to afford a world class Hellenic education.” – George Bizos

Since its inception in 2003, the primary aim of the GBSSBF, as set out by Bizos himself, is to create opportunities for promising young South African minds, with limited financial means, to receive a world class Hellenic education at Saheti School. By offering promising learners opportunities in secondary education, Bizos believed, we could build solid foundations for the future.

Gala Dinner Tickets now on sale








The legacies of SAHETI School over the past 50 years
with guest of honour Justice Dikgang Moseneke.
R1800 for 1 person | R3000 per couple | Corporate sponsorship packages available |

Giving children access to a world class Hellenic education

George Bizos Saheti School Bursary Fund - Our Mission 2

Choose how you contribute to the fund

George Bizos Saheti School Bursary Fund - Our Mission 1

Our philosophy

George Bizos Saheti School Bursary Fund - Our Mission 2

How are Candidates considered?

George Bizos Saheti School Bursary Fund - Our Mission 2

Building future legacies program

George Bizos Saheti School Bursary Fund - Our Mission 1

GBSSBF is a public benefit fund

George Bizos Saheti School Bursary Fund - Our Mission 3

George Bizos, The legacy