About The Fund

Building on the basic requirements for success

The Fund has been named after Advocate Bizos, who has been associated with SAHETI School since its early beginnings, and who serves as a Life Vice President of the SAHETI Board.
Advocate Bizos is nationally and internationally acknowledged for his outstanding contribution to South Africa, through his legal representation of anti-apartheid leaders and activists and his subsequent work in the establishment of its constitutional democracy, and healing the wounds of the past.
In announcing the establishment of the Fund, Advocate Bizos emphasized that the spirit of Hellenism belongs to the world at large, and that SAHETI has a special responsibility to nurture it. “Our doors should be open to at least some pupils of excellence who would otherwise be unable to afford a quality education.” There are many learners from various communities who yearn to learn at SAHETI and whose parents do not have the means.

George Bizos Saheti School Bursary Fund - Our Mission 2

Building the future

Your support will unwrap brighter futures for deserving learners. Creating Future Legacies

George Bizos Saheti School Bursary Fund - Our Mission 2


Every contribution help us on our mission to offer more Scholarships & Bursaries for a world class Hellenic education at Saheti School.

George Bizos Saheti School Bursary Fund - Our Mission 1

Your Participation

By participating in our Arts & Sports fundraisers, you help us advance Bizos’ universal vision of a vibrant democracy through education.


Our ultimate goal is to nurture Advocate Bizos’ dream to create relevant platforms, through our fundraising efforts, to continue offering young people access to a world class education


By his own admission, the core values of Hellenism underscored Bizos’ work: Reason, the Pursuit of Truth, the Pursuit of Knowledge, Moderation, Civic Responsibility and Respect for Humanity and One’s Self.
Participating in sports, the ideals of sportsmanship & the arts are integral elements within the context of a Hellenic education.
Over the past 12 years, in order to fundraise for new scholarships and bursaries the fund has hosted a number of highly publicized art exhibitions and arts events, as well as music and theatre initiatives. We have also established the annual “Arethe Daflos Art Exhibition” showcasing the work of prominent South African contemporary artists along side the work of Learners. Since 2012 we have hosted the very popular George Bizos Marathon and Family Walk on campus and in the streets around Saheti school.
Our mission therefore, is to create platforms that represent the ideals of Hellenism, that “Tata George” believed were essential for a solid Hellenic education in South Africa.


Our vision is to offer all learners access to cultural and sports initiatives & programs, which alongside the high academic standards of Saheti School, we at the GBSSBF believe, provide a good Hellenic foundation.
Participating in sports, the ideals of sportsmanship & the arts are integral elements within the context of a Hellenic education.
Over the past 12 years, in order to fundraise for new scholarships and bursaries the fund has hosted a number of highly publicized art exhibitions and arts events, as well as music and theatre initiatives. We have also established the annual “Arethe Daflos Art Exhibition” showcasing the work of prominent South African contemporary artists along side the work of Learners. Since 2012 we have hosted the very popular George Bizos Marathon and Family Walk on campus and in the streets around Saheti school.
Our mission therefore, is to create platforms that represent the ideals of Hellenism, that “Tata George” believed were essential for a solid Hellenic education in South Africa.